Thank you so much Tam at The Gypsy's Corner for the award. She posted it back on Sept. 20th and I want her to know I had not forgotten about it. She has an awesome blog you need to check out if you haven't already. I am sending this award back out to all those people whose blogs I love to read daily, and there are many!!!

Loved every single one of your ideas!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration Angie! Lots of new possibilites to think about. : )
I love your stlye. Love being invited into your home to see how beautiful you make it.
I have two of the second black scroll iron things over my back door and front door. I love them. They are beautiful. I love decorating with plates, swags etc over doors.
Congrats on your award!! I love all your decor above the windows and doors. So pretty!
Congratulations on the award.
I'm loving the pieces you have above your doorways--especially the iron.
You have a very special touch with decorating above your windows. I have noticed this before...I love it! You are inspiring me...I am looking above my window right now...what should I do?
-Sandy Toes
Your little boy's room is too cute! I have some old records above the doorways in my living room, which go with the music theme I have goin' on in there...
I love that first pic!!!
I just LOVE all the decorations above the doors and does draw your eye upward! CUTE, cute in your little boy's room!
cute stuff!
I love the iron piece in the second phote. I have been looking for something just like that. I love that you decorate above window and doors-it does lead the eye up, and is stunning!
Kudos on the award!
I love how you have put things above the doors and windows....especially in your little boy's room. This is too cute! You definitely have a talent for decorating.
What a great door topper tour!! I love each one, so unique! Great job!! and the sweet saying over the door is so special too!!
This all looks amazing! I like to do this as well, but haven't done it as well as you! I am all for finding new spots to fill with decorating! ;)
I love all the doorways. However, I really like the lettering in your sons room. I have not thought of an overhead projector. I was thinking of the vinyl lettering. Thanks for sharing.
i just did my first over the door decor the other night and loved it. what great ideas you have given me for future over the doors. deana
I love stuff over windows and doors. It is especially great if you have 9 ft ceilings. The shelves are especially cute. One more thing to decorate. Mimi
Hi Angie,
Love your ideas! You have a beautiful home. The only thing I have above my doors for decoration is Cobwebs. Oh well, just in time for Halloween.
Just stop by to say you've been tagged.
Hi Angie!
Love the touches you have around your home! I have two of the black scrolls that you showed. I am glad to see your pictures, to inspire me where to place them! Can you believe I have had them over a year with out hanging them? I knew I liked them, but no idea where to put them. Sad huh? :o)
Have a wonderful day!!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Come over for a cup of coffe, I have an award for you.
Wow, I love these ideas. Can we copy them? It makes me want to rush home (from work) and look above my door frames. I've got things I could put up there!!!!
Love it!
Very pretty ideas and such a variety. Your home has such a personal touch. Jackie
Very cool...great ideas. cherry
hi angie, kohls always has great sales. i only buy stuff there when it's on sale , usually 50%off or more. the art i bought was buy 1 get 1 free and i had $20 in kohls bucks. i just got a credit card there and when i used it i got a $20 gift certificate(kohl's bucks) which i used towards the art. check out their website for the sales by you. they also run 99cent shipping sometimes. happy shopping!deana
I love these ideas! I found you through "Shell in Your Pocket". Thanks for sharing!
I love how you put plates on your ceiling. They look great up there.
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