Friday Favorites

My favorite things today are my Christmas mantle and the JOY framed letters I made. I just love when I do a project and it turns out even cuter than I'd hoped! I'm really happy with it and everything looks better now that I've added lights to the greenery. I can't say I'm totally finished with it, but I wanted to go ahead and show what I had done. I am now working on decorating my kitchen tree. This cold weather we are having here is really putting me in the Christmas mood! And NO, I haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to some delicious food and visiting with family on Thursday. Hope y'all have a great weekend!
i love the letters! the mantle looks superb now!
Angie I love the joy frames they look great and the lights look great! have a great weekend
Love the JOY...I just love all the neat things in blogland. Love it better than the magazines.
Your mantle is beautiful and how did you make the joy, I'm thinking I might even try that.
Wow! Your mantle look wonderful. Your letter frames set off everything so well. A+ on your creativity!
Your mantle looks GREAT! The JOY letters give it that something extra.
It looks so good! I love the letters and lights! I am going to have to add lights to my greenery this year. :)
Oh I love how they turned out! Very cute! And your mantle is looking so FAB!
I love the JOY that is so cute!!
Wonderful idea friend. I may just have to copy it! :-)
Your joy letters turned out so so cute! I am going to have to copy that idea! I love love love your mantle. The old window up there is to die for! Your garland with the lights looks great! I can't wait to put my stuff up. Thanksgiving is a week later this year, so it is making me really antsy. Have a fun weekend! -Erin-
Your mantle is wonderful!
Your mantle looks GREAT!! Just beautiful!
Everytime I think you are done your mantle just gets better! I love the letters...I tried some last year but they didn't look as good as yours, maybe I will try again!
I love your mantle and it makes me so excited to decorate mine this year! :) Have a great weekend!
You just have to know that those JOY letter frames are going to be all over blog-land now! Well, at least in my neck of the woods they will be! My middle name is Joy so I have a special attatchment to all things joy related. Just bought to ortaments that say it today! Your mantel looks absolutely fabulous!!
Angie, your mantel and the letters are lovely. It looks beautiful. I hear ya about being in the mood for Christmas decorating it's freezing cold around here and I'll be putting some decorations up this weekend. Thanksgiving this year is hosted by a family member and I can decorate to my hearts content.
Have a great weekend,
The mantle looks wonderful! I knew you would come up with the perfect
Oh, I LOVE it! You did a great job on pulling everything together! It's absolutely beautiful. :)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi, it's just me again! I wanted to make sure you found the award I have for you on my blog, under Monday's post (second from top as of now!).
Have a good night! :)
Hi Angie, I love the mantle! it turned out so pretty. I love the framed JOY you made, it looks great, very creative. I also love the tree. Your home is looking so great! I'm the same way,sometimes I work on my house right up until christmas too! Kristen
Love that look. You should be proud.
I have something for you at my blog :)
Your mantel is precious! Love the "JOY". :)
I thought your mantle looked very nice before but those letters really added to it! What creativity!
Amazingly beautiful!!!! In fact, the pictures look like a out of magazine!! You are such an inspiration with your decorating talent! I can hardly wait to see your next project!
Have a great weekend!
The mantle looks GREAT! Love the JOY framed letters! So cute!
I stumbled upon your blog and absolutely LOVE it. You are SO CREATIVE AND TALENTED! Thank you for sharing so many of your wonderful ideas with us. I appreciate it so much! I just love checking out your blog :)
I just love that red fireplace of yours. And the Joy looks fabulous. I may break down and put my tree up this weekend. I finally got all the ribbon i was looking for, so i am excited. Take care. mishelle
Love the JOY letters! I'm headed out to get frames for some today! Thanks for sharing!
Your mantel looks great - the joy letters really pop! I love that it's pretty but not overly fussy!
I really like that JOY arrangement. I love simple projects that come out great.... Good job!
Oh how I wish I had your talent for decorating.
Everything looks beautiful.
I've looked through your whole blog and I love it. I'm linking to you :) I love your style! I'm also a yard-saler and I love simple spray paint and paper crafts.
Wow that was so beautiful and looks pretty easy to do... I love how you made the window frame... Great look very classy...Thanks for sharing... Have a fun filled day...
What a great idea! I copied your letter "tray" from a month or so ago, and it turned out so beautiful that I have to copy this as well! Hope you don't mind! Thank you for sharing!!
This is so cute!
Your mantle looks beautiful! I love the JOY frames!
LOVE the JOY!!!
You always have such creative projects and what i appreciate most os that they aren't too time consuming and expensive. Thanks for sharing!
I love those letters in the frames.
I have something waiting for you on my blog :o)
Have a great weekend!!
Your joy frames are adorable! :)
Wow, that turned out beautiful. So inspiring to look at!
I love the wreath on the window. I may copy you. I have a stack of widows that I need to do something with.
Can you please be my new best friend and come to my house and make it look at warm and happy as your house does?!?! LOL I just came across your blog and I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Kim :)
Yes! I love the JOY letters. I can't bring myself to do the Christmas decorating before Thanksgiving but I sure do love looking at yours. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Angie!
How excited I am to have found your blog! I love it to pieces and putting you in my favorites! I have wanted to try red in my home for sometime now, and I have the courage to do so after going through MANY pages of you sweet blog! Thanks for the inspriation Angie!
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