I am happily married with a wonderful husband, a precious four year old son, and two sweet dogs. I love to decorate my house and am always looking for inexpensive projects to tackle. My smart and handy husband always seems to get involved whether he wants to or not. I love to shop and go to yard sales with my mom to find really good deals. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home (my most favorite place to be) and take care of my family.
Well, I repainted and recovered my bulletin board and I'm not sure I like it. Scroll down to Thursday's post to see what it looked like before. I decided to go with the same rooster fabric that is on a valance here in the kitchen above my sink window. I have a lot of white in my kitchen - cabinets, wainscoting, table and chairs, accessories - so I'm not sure how good the black looks. I don't want it to stand out too much. I kind of wish I would have done an animal print or some other really cute fabric. I may have to change it again. What do y'all think?
How about living with it for a few days. Maybe you just need to get used to it. I always have to do that. I think the black makes that pretty molding really stand out. It's pretty and I love the roosters!
I think it looks great! I really like it black. What about sanding it a bit to let the white show through? I think the fabric might be throwing it off too. Although that is super cute. An animal print would look great or the ticking (or was it checked?) fabric you had on it when it was white would look good too.
I like the black for the trim... I've got LOTS of white in my kitchen as well... all appliances, tile countertops & backsplash, table... I am now trying to put a little black and brown in my kitchen to ground things a little (even though I do appreciate the white). I would have made the same choice.
Hi Angie, I think your bulletin board looks great! Shannon mentioned sanding the edges. That sounds like a nice touch too. :o) I love that rooster fabric!! Oh gosh that is just too cute! :o) Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I love it. I wouldn't worry about the color too much. I little something different is good for a room. If you still don't like it later we all know you can use your magic paint brush and change it a little more. Happy decision making.
I love it black, really makes the details pop. Just don't know if I like the fabric with the black. How do you feel about the previous fabric with the black paint?
Well, since you are so undecided I think you should just send it to me! It would look fab in my kitchen. But in all honesty, I would live with it for a little while and if still doesn't float your boat, paint it white again.
I love the black paint. It may just take some getting used to. If not, maybe if you added a lighter colored fabric it may blend better. I like it but it's all up to you. Good luck!
I have a soft spot for roosters...so I personally think it looks great. Maybe you could post a shot with it up in the kitchen and get more specific feedback. It might be overpowering with a lot of white.
IMHO, it looks great! I really like the rooster fabric on it, and I love the black paint. I never like something right after I finished it. It has to "grow" on me a little bit, and then I wonder why I didn't like it at first! Did that even make sense? It's late. I may need to go to bed. laurie
Angie, The black and yellow rooster board is very "Country French"; the white board was "Shabby Chic". Depends on the look you are going for, but I love the Country French - it's elegant. . .As was suggested already, you might try lightly sanding the high edges to give it some 3-dimensional effect; you can always repaint if you don't like the light color showing through. . .
I love the black. Plus, you have other black accents in your kitchen, so it goes well. Love, love, love that fabric. I've been wanting to find an old chair to paint, what else, black and recover the cushion with that fabric. I looked at the pictures of your kitchen, and I have those same rooster plates in mine!
I actually like this better than what you had before. It is a big change, for sure, but I love the fabric and, like someone else commented, I'm into painting anything and everything black these days.
Actually, after looking at your post where you show your kitchen...I think the bulletin board will look just fabulous. You have alot of black accents throughout the kitchen, your blackboard, your black photo frames, etc. I think this new update will look really good! oh..and by the way...I really loved your kitchen!
well honey you know i love it. Have the material and i paint everything black. But you will figure it out what is missing if anything.. good luck .. mishelle
I just read your entire blog from beginning to end! What a talented decorator you are! Thanks for all your wonderful ideas and I can't wait to look each day and see what you've done.
Angie- after LOOKING and LOOKING when I should be sleeping at your blog and loving it- I see lots of farm windows and am wondering if you are in the market for more? There is a guy in Hawkinsville (near Perry GA) that is selling them for 2 dollars each. I am going to pick some up this week from him and would be happy to pick some up for you. You may or may not be in the market for them, but I hate to see them go waste if you love old farm windows like I do and you obviously do too! Feel free to email me- it's on my page if your interested. Have a great night! ~Ashley
Well I think it looks GREAT!!!
I wouldn't change it at all. Nice job.
i think it looks good, but i think i agree with you that something else should be done to it...
How about living with it for a few days. Maybe you just need to get used to it. I always have to do that. I think the black makes that pretty molding really stand out. It's pretty and I love the roosters!
I think it is fabulous! I agree, live with it for a few days and see what you think.
I love it -- very cool!
I think it looks great. Maybe it will look totally different to you once you put things on it.
I think it looks great!
I think it looks great! I really like it black. What about sanding it a bit to let the white show through? I think the fabric might be throwing it off too. Although that is super cute. An animal print would look great or the ticking (or was it checked?) fabric you had on it when it was white would look good too.
I'm on a big "paint it black!" kick, so I really love what you did with it! It might grow on you. You can always change it. :)
I think it looks perfect I love the black with the fabric I would not change a thing.
Oh, I love it! I agree with everyone..sometimes it does take a few days to get use to something different! Nancy
I want to invite you to a party I am having on Friday...I know You love red so, I'm sure you will love it. Drop by and check out the details.
I love it! You did a great job!
That's not just a bulletin board, that's a piece of folk art! Great job! I love it~Madeline
I think it looks fabulous Dahling! I agree with the others. Use it for a few days then if the 'I wanna change it' hits...change it again.
I like the black. I am not sure about the black with the fabric though?
I like it very much but I love anything with Roosters and I think it's cute black!
I like the black for the trim... I've got LOTS of white in my kitchen as well... all appliances, tile countertops & backsplash, table... I am now trying to put a little black and brown in my kitchen to ground things a little (even though I do appreciate the white). I would have made the same choice.
Don't hate me, but I think that particular fabric might look better with a white frame.
I absolutely love it! That fabric looks great with the black!
I have that same fabric-I love it, but a little goes a long way!
I like the bulletin board!
I love the redo! Looks great!
Hi Angie,
I think your bulletin board looks great! Shannon mentioned sanding the edges. That sounds like a nice touch too. :o)
I love that rooster fabric!! Oh gosh that is just too cute! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I love it!!!!! I think it looks great!
I love it. I wouldn't worry about the color too much. I little something different is good for a room. If you still don't like it later we all know you can use your magic paint brush and change it a little more. Happy decision making.
I love it,you could always send it to me (LOL) you did a great job....Barb
I love it black, really makes the details pop. Just don't know if I like the fabric with the black. How do you feel about the previous fabric with the black paint?
Well, since you are so undecided I think you should just send it to me! It would look fab in my kitchen. But in all honesty, I would live with it for a little while and if still doesn't float your boat, paint it white again.
Angie I love it of course I love roosters. It looks great against the red wall.
Where did you get the fabric I love it.
Have a wonderful week
LOVE IT!!!!!
I love the black paint. It may just take some getting used to. If not, maybe if you added a lighter colored fabric it may blend better. I like it but it's all up to you. Good luck!
I have a soft spot for roosters...so I personally think it looks great. Maybe you could post a shot with it up in the kitchen and get more specific feedback. It might be overpowering with a lot of white.
I think it is just beautiful! Yes, show us a pic in the kitchen!
IMHO, it looks great! I really like the rooster fabric on it, and I love the black paint. I never like something right after I finished it. It has to "grow" on me a little bit, and then I wonder why I didn't like it at first! Did that even make sense? It's late. I may need to go to bed. laurie
The black and yellow rooster board is very "Country French"; the white board was "Shabby Chic". Depends on the look you are going for, but I love the Country French - it's elegant. . .As was suggested already, you might try lightly sanding the high edges to give it some 3-dimensional effect; you can always repaint if you don't like the light color showing through. . .
Oh I like it alot this way!
Cute cute!
I really like it!
I love your bulletin board, it goes great with your blog dress. :)
I think it's perfect! But....if you're not happy with it....I'll take it, LOL! Just kidding!
OH, I like it a lot. I think the black will be a nice compliment to your kitchen. It will make it pop more.
Blessings your way,
I love the black. Plus, you have other black accents in your kitchen, so it goes well. Love, love, love that fabric. I've been wanting to find an old chair to paint, what else, black and recover the cushion with that fabric. I looked at the pictures of your kitchen, and I have those same rooster plates in mine!
Silly girl... It looks fabulous and you did such a GREAT job... No worries here...
I just love it! LOVE IT!
-sandy toe
Change it?? NO WAY! I love it! You are so talented Angie.
I love it Angie. The black shows off all of the great detail. If you don't like it, try a different fabric and see what you think.
I love it!! It looks great!!!
I Love it...especially the black!
I actually like this better than what you had before. It is a big change, for sure, but I love the fabric and, like someone else commented, I'm into painting anything and everything black these days.
I love it. A punch of black looks good in any room.
Ooohhhh nice job! I like, I like!
I LOVE it the way it is now. I wouldn't change a thing. You must tell us where you got the fabric!!
Actually, after looking at your post where you show your kitchen...I think the bulletin board will look just fabulous. You have alot of black accents throughout the kitchen, your blackboard, your black photo frames, etc. I think this new update will look really good! oh..and by the way...I really loved your kitchen!
well honey you know i love it. Have the material and i paint everything black. But you will figure it out what is missing if anything.. good luck .. mishelle
I love the black paint, but I think it needs a little oomph. I don't know what that is, good thing there are so many blogs to get inspiration from!
I like it alot! =)
This is my first time on your blog. I love your site- & you did a great job on your bullentin board.
It looks good I think I want to do that to one of my windows. Thanks for the pics
I love it, I love it, I love it!
I just read your entire blog from beginning to end! What a talented decorator you are! Thanks for all your wonderful ideas and I can't wait to look each day and see what you've done.
Angie- after LOOKING and LOOKING when I should be sleeping at your blog and loving it- I see lots of farm windows and am wondering if you are in the market for more? There is a guy in Hawkinsville (near Perry GA) that is selling them for 2 dollars each. I am going to pick some up this week from him and would be happy to pick some up for you. You may or may not be in the market for them, but I hate to see them go waste if you love old farm windows like I do and you obviously do too! Feel free to email me- it's on my page if your interested. Have a great night!
I think it looks wonderful! I want to do the same to the old window frame I have at home. Love it! Vanessa
I love it! Where did you find that fabric?!?!!!!! I need it! Gotta have it! Can't live without it!!!
Oh I love it! Send it on this way if you don't like it! ha-ha! Love the fabric you chose and I think the black frame looks beautiful!
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