Saying I printed out and framed, can change it out for the seasons or for whatever mood I'm in
I like to recover lampshades with pretty fabric and trim. It's hard for me to have a plain lampshade. I'm always looking for an excuse to buy some fabric!
Mirror over door leading into living room
I got the doorway brackets (above picture) from Hobby Lobby. I LOVE HOBBY LOBBY! I bought 12 of them, spray painted them white, and hung them in 6 of my doorways. I love how they turned out. I like easy and inexpensive projects that make a difference and that people actually notice.
My foyer light is an outdoor light from Lowe's.
Black mirror, wall pocket of poppies, and rug
One more thing to show you - my son's play yard that is between the foyer and dining room. I'm sure many of you can relate to how much stuff comes into your house when you have a baby!
I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my foyer. I am new to uploading pictures so I'll have to practice and get better at it. Some of you bloggers out there do such a great job that I'm sure I'll pale in comparison. But, maybe I can learn from you. Have a wonderful day!
The new color looks wonderful! I've used an outdoor light inside all looks great. You are so lucky to have a Hobby Lobby near you., wish I did.
Welcome to the world of blogging.
Hi, Angie, how pretty everything is. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do. Get out there and visit lots of folks & they will come & visit you.
Im adding you to my blogroll! I love you!
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