Friday, February 27, 2009

Flaunt Your Red Friday

Nancy over at is having a Flaunt Your Red Friday and of course I had to join in since I LOVE red stuff! Here are a few red things in my living room that many of you have probably seen before.

Happy Friday and weekend everybody!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nothing Crafty to Show

I still haven't decided what to do about the bulletin board I redid (see previous post). I think I am going to leave the frame black, but may change the fabric out with one that has some white or cream in it to lighten it up. You know I'll post about it when it's done! I haven't been doing much crafty stuff this week. I have been trying to add some more black around so I put a harlequin candleholder on a shelf in my kitchen and added some black and white checked ribbon to the candle and a pitcher. I also finally found a place for this adorable rooster bowl my in-laws gave me a year or two ago. I put it on top of my antique pie safe in my kitchen. I love the colors and what's painted on it, especially the black and white border. Hope y'all have a great day and are having some Springy weather like we are down here in the South!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Sure about the Bulletin Board Redo

Well, I repainted and recovered my bulletin board and I'm not sure I like it. Scroll down to Thursday's post to see what it looked like before. I decided to go with the same rooster fabric that is on a valance here in the kitchen above my sink window. I have a lot of white in my kitchen - cabinets, wainscoting, table and chairs, accessories - so I'm not sure how good the black looks. I don't want it to stand out too much. I kind of wish I would have done an animal print or some other really cute fabric. I may have to change it again. What do y'all think?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Wonderful Saturday

Hubby is out of town, son is with the grandparents, dogs are outside, and I am alone cleaning, rearranging, and just "playing house" ... what a wonderful Saturday!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Next Project

My next project is to recover my kitchen bulletin board with some new fabric. The picture below shows it after I took all the stuff off of it. I was also thinking about painting the window black. It currently has a red and off white ticking fabric on it which is fine, but I am thinking it might be cute in something more whimsical like an animal print or polka dots. Of course, toile or checks is always a good choice too. Hopefully I'll make it to Joanns and Hobby Lobby today to look at the fabric so I can get it done this weekend. Click here if you'd like to see the rest of my kitchen. I am excited because I am meeting 2 friends for lunch today - something I never do! Have a great day everybody!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shoot Me - I Use Fake Plants!

I did this little arrangement of geraniums yesterday afternoon. I love this harlequin trunk I bought a while back and thought some colorful flowers might look good in it. YES, they are fake, of course - shoot me! Why do I feel like I have to defend my use of fake plants in my house? Do any of you feel that way? I don't have a lot of them, but I do have some and like them. I saw some cute little arrangements in Michaels the other day I want to copy. I love color and this is one more way to bring it in. Hope y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ribbon in a Vase

Cute ribbon in a vase on my craft table - looks good and is useful too!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lovin' this Green Spray Paint

I found this awesome green apple spray paint and I love it! The color is so cute and fresh looking! I used it to paint a few things this past weekend. I am going to go back to Lowes and get some more because I ran out. I am looking all around the house trying to find things to transform with it. Yay for spray paint!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Favorites and a Frame Project

I have already done a Friday favorites post on my love of all things rooster. Click here to see it. But, I wanted to show 2 more rooster things I bought recently to add to my collection. I had to have this pear and plate when I saw them. I love the colors and the roosters and flowers painted on.

I got this cute notebook and toile notecards at one of the best places in the world, Hobby Lobby. I know I have told you many times of my love for HL. I use little notebooks like this one to write down all kinds of lists, ideas, measurements, whatever and then take it with me when I go shopping. I totally didn't need the notecards, but had to have them when I saw the red toile. I thought $1.99 for 20 cards was pretty cheap.

Here is a picture frame project I did yesterday. I bought an unfinished frame from Michaels for $1, painted the edges that would show black, modpodged scrapbook paper on, and hot glued on a little fleur de lis Christmas ornament. I love how it turned out and I am going back to buy several more of these frames to decorate. The possibilities are endless with all the gorgeous paper out there! I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Few New Things

Here are some new pillows my mom and I made for my couch. The yellow floral side is a napkin and the red and white checked side is some fabric I already had. I cut the fabric the same size as the napkin and had my mom sew them up. I used some pillow forms I had to fill them. I really need to learn how to use my sewing machine I got several years ago. I bought a set of placemats at Ross the other day and put one of them on my little table in the living room. LOVE the French country floral print on it and on my new pillows! The picture frame on the table (bought at a yard sale) was gold and I spray painted it white, sanded it a little, and added a black and white checked ribbon. Happy Tuesday to you!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Favorites

I am back doing my Friday Favorites again after not doing them for several weeks. I know you have been missing them something fierce! JK One of my most favorite yard sale buys is this kitchen table I got for $5. YES...5 DOLLARS!!! I had been looking for a craft table and this was just perfect. I stapled black and white polka dot fabric around it to hide magazines, books, and other junk underneath. I love it and it is so great to have my own space to create. I want my husband to make a shelf or two to attach to the top of the table to sit supplies on. I also have some ideas of what I want to hang above it. I will probably take the 3 pictures and iron piece down and hang them somewhere else. Of course, my dream would be to have a large craft room with tons of cabinets, shelves, and surfaces to work on. But, that ain't gonna happen so I'm going to make this little space work for me. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Little Decorator

Do any of you out there have a little stinker who likes to get in on the "decorating" around the house? This is not the first time he has done this. I guess he doesn't like the fake fern arrangement!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Day Decorations at My Friend's House

I went over to scrapbook with my best friend from high school, Diane, last week and took some pictures of her cute Valentine's Day decorations. I know you'll enjoy seeing them and can get some good ideas! She has an adorable home!